Twelfth Night, the refreshingly new ensemble of young stars directed by violinist Rachell Ellen Wong and harpsichordist David Belkovski, offers an all-Handel program featuring Aminta e Fillide, a pastoral cantata. Singers Jessica Niles and Xenia Puskarz Thomas, the cantata’s nymph and shepherd, pursue each other through a mythological Greek landscape in arias both virtuosic and poignant. To round out a captivating program, the instrumentalists perform trio sonatas and the “Chaconne” from Handel’s opera, Terpsichore.
“Before [Jessica Niles] had even sung a note, her supremely bold stride onto the stage announced that she intended to rivet our attention.” —Parterre Box
“The singing and acting of Xenia Puskarz Thomas as the page-boy Cherubino stole the show.” —Australian Stage
The virtual program becomes available on Sunday, January 22, 4 p.m. ET and remains viewable until February 5.